Getting Started With & Accessing Toolio

Here you will find how to access Toolio.

Updated over a week ago

Accessing Toolio

Supported Browsers

Toolio strives to ensure that our users have the best selection of browsers available for use when accessing our platform. In order to provide an optimal experience for our users, Toolio is only tested and officially supports the Chrome Browser.

We understand that Chrome may not be the preferred browser for every user. While Toolio generally works on other browsers, we can't guarantee it works as effectively as our officially supported Chrome browser. Therefore we recommend enabling Chrome as the primary browser if you would like to use the Toolio platform.

Steps To Enable Chrome On Your Device

If Chrome isn’t already enabled on your device, here’s how to do it:

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support.


You log in to Toolio using your organization's single-sign-on. Toolio currently supports:

You can access the sign in page by going to, where yourcompany will be replaced with your workspace name, which is typically the domain name of your company. For example, if your company is, you would likely be signing in to Toolio on

If you don't know your workspace URL, please reach out to your customer success manager.

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