Presentation Profiles

This article provides and overview and the steps for application of presentation profiles, ensuring sales potential is maximized in stores.

Updated over a week ago


As retailers consider allocating stock to stores, the key driver of the allocation transfers should be sales demand, whether from an item plan or a rate of sale forecast. The sales demand can end up being fractional, especially for fringe sizes. To protect a store's opportunity to sell, Toolio provides the opportunity to set a presentation profile. The presentation profile can be used to ensure a minimum amount of stock is reserved for display and to prevent stock-outs in the store as well as a maximum to protect the store from over-stocking on any given SKU at any point in time.

Too busy to read the article? watch this video on how to set a presentation profile:

Setting up a presentation profile

Step 1: Create a presentation profile

To setup a presentation profile, navigate to Settings > Data Management > Presentation Profiles and click on Add

A simple presentation profile can be defined with a name and sizes that it will apply to. If you would like the profile to be generic across all stores, do not check the Store Level check box

Step 2: Define the presentation profile

Double click on the presentation profile to set the min/max presentation by size. The goal would be to ensure that the product will look presentable in stores but in many cases store capacity may restrict the ability to hold more than a certain number of units on any given style and therefore setting maximums may be appropriate. Note that setting a maximum to zero will be ignored there is a minimum greater than zero. And users are not able to set a maximum that is less than the minimum.

Step 3: Add Locations to the Presentation Profile

To create a more advanced presentation profile, select the Store Level checkbox and select the stores to apply the presentation standards.

Step 4: Update presentation Min/Max by location

Once setup, users will have the ability to specify different min/max by store, accounting for stores that may have larger or smaller footprint than others and therefore require different presentation standards

Step 5: Application of the presentation profile

In the allocation strategy tab, presentation profiles can now be selected and copied across multiple strategies in the Presentation Profile column or left blank if no presentation profile is required.

Step 6: Allocation output including presentation profile

The result of setting a minimum or a maximum can be seen when allocating, in an example as shown below, the system has allocated the minimum of 2 units for XL even though there is no sales demand for this particular item.

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