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Toolio / Slack Integration

Using scheduled report deliveries you can schedule have your reports delivered to appropriate slack channels so that you don't miss a beat

Updated over a week ago

Integrating Toolio into Slack via Scheduled Deliveries

Toolio allows you to push scheduled reports into Slack Channels so that you never miss a beat.

Please see the steps below

Step 1: Select the Appropriate Slack Channel & Identify the Email Address for Integration

Each Slack channel has an email address associated with it. You can see it as follows:

Step 2: Add the Slack Channel Email Address to Your Scheduled Delivery Recipients

Just add the email address as a recipient to your scheduled report delivery.

Step 3: Save and Test the Delivery

Once you save and test, you will expect a message like below in the appropriate slack channel. You can have these be scheduled, so that you get the most important message to all the right stakeholders at the right time.


Integrating Toolio into Slack via scheduled deliveries is a great way to keep your team organized and informed. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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