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How to solve slow or unresponsive views and performance issues
How to solve slow or unresponsive views and performance issues

Please see below on how to diagnose performance issues if you are seeing slowness in Merchandise Planning or Item Planning

Updated over a week ago


Performance of your views depends on the size of the data that is loaded. When there are > 5 millions of cells that are loaded (here on how to see this), depending on your computer hardware, you can see slowness on load times.

When you see slow load times on Merchandise Plan or Item Plan, below are the options:

Reduce the Number of Groups

They number of Groups that you have selected is going to increase the size. So, if you are exposing 4+ groups at a time, please consider removing some groups. In all likelihood, you wouldn't be needing to see all the groups at the same time.

Use Attributes vs. Instead of Group Bys

When you want to see the Division / Department / Class for a particular item in Item Plan, it is sufficient to Group by Style or SKU and then add Division, Department & Class as an attribute. Please see below for an example.

This is preferrable to adding Division & Department to a Group By

Selecting these additional fields as attributes will perform better than doing a group by each of these.

Reduce the Data Size by Filters

Another way to reduce the data size is by filtering the data set that is loaded on the screen. So if you are planning out only "Womens", consider filtering down into that Division.

Reduce the Time Range

If you're looking into multiple years at a time and looking at things at the week level granularity, that might be causing too much data to be loaded. So, please consider looking for a shorter time span and or de-select Weeks / Months on the Time Groups.

Delete Unused Scenarios

Having too many scenarios active on your account can impact performance. So if there are stale scenarios that you are no longer needing, please see here on how to effectively delete them.


To see how many cells are currently loaded on the screen, you can do cmd + shift + d on Mac or ctrl + shift + d on Windows. Below is what it would look like.

Need More Help

If you are still not getting the performance you need, please contact us, and we'll be happy to help!

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