Curve Partitioning

The purpose of this document is to describe the partitioning concept as it relates to the creation of curves in Toolio

Updated over a week ago


Curves provide planners the power to model data at a detailed level to understand variances in customer preferences for products from a location, time and attribute perspective. While this level of detail is important for allocation and assortment planning, it could also require users to create numerous sales curves or size curves to account for the nuances by category or department for instance.

Partitioning allows the user to define the level of granularity at which a curve will be created by the system and the system will extrapolate out the number of curve combinations based on the partitions selected.

For example, a sales curve defining the division and department for Mens / Jackets may show a seasonal life in the winter time period while a sales curve for Mens / T-Shirts may show a decline in sales during the winter due to the weather. You could create TWO sales curves and filter specifically to Jackets and T-Shirts respectively for each curve. This could result in hundreds of curves being created.

Utilizing partitioning, the user can create a single sales curve but instead partition by Division and Department and as a result, the system will find all the combinations and automatically generate the sub curves for Mens / Jackets, Mens / T-Shirts, Womens / Jackets, Womens / T-Shirts as an extension of the example.

Adding a Partition to a Sales Curve

When creating a sales curve, you will now have the option of adding a filter as well as partition attributes. An example may be a filter for all Core products, partitioned by Division, Department and Class. Sales curves can include both product and location attributes to account for location differences in seasonality.

The result will provide a single selectable sales curve to associate with products in allocation strategies and assortment planning but in the background, Toolio will create a sales curve for each combination of the partitions and associate the correct sales curve.

Application of Partitioning in Size Curves

The application of partitioning in size curves works in exactly the same way as sales curves, except for the fact that location attributes are not selectable for partitioning. This is because Size Curves are already calculated at a location level.

Application of Partitioning in Location Curves.

The application of partitioning in location curves works in exactly the same way as sales curves, except for the fact that location attributes are not selectable for partitioning. This is because Location Curves are already calculated at a location level.

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