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Next Generation Assortment Planning
Covers how to use the Next Gen Assortment Planning module, provides an overview of the features and line planning work-flows.
7 articles
Rate of Sale (ROS) Calculator in Assortment PlanToolio's ROS Model automates demand forecasting, handles anomalies, and allows user adjustments, rankings, and filtering for precision.
Assortment Plan - Context Menu ActionsThis article outlines Context Menu Actions on Assortment Plan
Assortment Markdown PlanningMarkdown Planning provides the platform for managing the end of a product lifecycle balancing sell through and margin considerations.
New Assortment - Planning - Out of the Box WorkflowsOverview of Out of the Box Views for Line Building and Metrics Sections on the new Assortment Plan
PO Manager
PO Recommendations and Approval Workflows
Recommended Purchase Orders - Splitting Purchase Orders by WarehouseHow to create Warehouse Split Profiles and split Purchase Orders
Overview of how to use Assortment Plan Reporting and Out of the Box Reports
Snapshotting Assortment Plan ReportsToolio allows snapshotting the current version of the Assortment Plan for comparison later on.