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Refreshing Data

Here's how to refresh your data if you have updated historical values or changed your product attributes

Updated over a week ago

When you make changes to your product attributes (i.e. add new attributes or change attributes for your products), you will need to trigger a data refresh so that Toolio can aggregate your sales, inventory, and purchase order information according to the updated attributes. Similarly, a data refresh will be necessary if you are not changing your product attributes, but are updating data for a historic period (i.e. there is already date for that time period in Toolio).

Please see below for a step by step walkthrough:

  1. Navigate to the Data & Imports page by clicking on your initials in the top right hand side:

2. Select the Data Refresh tab

3. Select the 3 dots in the upper left-hand corner and select the data you wish to refresh. Please note that if you have updated product attributes, you will need to refresh all of the historic data.

If you have updated historic data for a specific time range or context, you can follow the steps below to filter for just that time period. You can easily sort a column by simply clicking on it. You can also sort by multiple columns by using ctrl(cmd)+select.

4. You can now easily select any of the rows you would like to refresh and right-click to show the Refresh Data button. Please note that you can use shift+select to quickly select all consecutive rows and ctrl(cmd)+select to select multiple.

5. Refresh your data and allow time for the changes to be reflected in Toolio. Please note that the duration of refresh will vary depending on the size of the data you are refreshing. You can track the status of your refresh in the data refresh page under the "Last Refresh" column. As the data refreshes - the date and time will populate to reflect this.


Why is there no context of Transfer Receipt in Data Refresh? Does the TO refresh also refresh transfer receipts?

Yes, transfer orders and transfer receipts are controlled by the Transfer Orders context, so refreshing transfer orders will refresh transfer receipts as well.

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