Assortment Product Mix

How to use the Product Mix feature to understand and evaluate your Assortment Plan

Updated over a week ago

❗This article is related to New Assortment Plan. If you are on the old Assortment Plan and would like to migrate to the new Assortment Plan, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager


Toolio's Assortment Plan module makes it easy to evaluate your Product Mix. This allows for easy visualization of the product distribution by attribute in your assortment plan as you make changes or build your plan.


First, you will need to make sure you have selected into an assortment plan. Once you are at the line planning view of an assortment plan, you will see the Assortment Plan Rollup section. Please click on the dropdown arrow to expose the Product Mix for your assortment plan.

Once the Assortment Rollup and Product Mix sections have been expanded, you will be able to visualize your current assortment plan's product distribution.

You can further configure your Product Mix by specifying the Metrics and save that configuration to a view to toggle between different Assortment Product Mix visualizations.

By hovering over each Product Mix, you will be able to see a summary of metrics.

As you make edits to your assortment plan, the Product Mix will be populated automatically to reflect your changes upon saving.

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